4.23 Communication

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Well Said Wednesday in Haiku: Why You're Not Writing Today

Today, a blog in haiku form. About not writing.

We make up sooooo many roadblocks to getting content done, don’t we? Almost anything sounds better than staring down a blank page.

Pro Tip: Don’t start with a blank page.

Pro Tip 2: And don’t go it alone. Try co-working. Something magical happens to your focus when you’re working in a group and being intentional about your time.

P.S. Not a fan of rainbow bookshelves — how do you find anything? I’m completely team “grouped by topic” for my shelves. Which are quite messy at the moment (see below).

Like haiku? Follow @575by423 on Instagram.

“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach & Message Strategist of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every Wednesday…ish.

…told you they were messy.