4.23 Communication

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Well Said Wednesday: When the tank runs dry...

…or the coffee cup is empty, it’s time to pause.

This month, I am doing some deep work within my business. I am sussing out the ways I can bring the most help, support, structure and sanity to my fellow small business owners. I am designing ways for them to embody their message, in the simplest, yet most compelling ways.

And I’m running through Sharpies and Post Its like it’s my job! (Well, for now it kind of is my job.)

My way of saying…I’m taking a pause on the blog because I want to keep my brain power where it needs me most.

P.S. This is also me modeling what to do when life happens and takes your blog hostage. It happens. You can deal with it.

“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach & Message Strategist of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every other Wednesday…ish. But not right now. :-)